Monday, April 13, 2009

What the bleep

Cool movie. I could only find "down the rabbit hole" but it was pretty sweet! I liked the part about how religion was just taking advantage of scared people. Well i liked alto of parts but that to be specific. I liked the analogy about the universe compared to an atom and the space in between. I may be wrong for saying this but The def lady cussing cracked me up!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Client stuff

My client was my brother. I took photos and combined them and he liked it. alot. The main photo was from the day before his wedding when we took him skydiving and the head is from pictures of his dog that he didn't know i had. So I made this pic and sent him the copies of the other pics of his dog. So I combined 3 special things/events that he loves. I have sent it to him via e-mail and he was suprised and liked it.

Monday, March 30, 2009

class after, after spring break

I wasn't there. sorry i feel like shit. spring my ass. see you next week.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

class after spring break

I am still disapointed that springbreak is over. tired. I got a piece of arson building in my journey. stuff and junk....

Sunday, March 22, 2009


when people think of the word faith it is usually attached to some notion of "god" or religion. This is wrong, faith is in everyone weather they know it or not, for example when you wake up in the morning and you are in the same place you were when you went to sleep. thats faith. People have faith that when they eat they won't be hungry. Basically if you are a human you have faith. But faith is just a word, symantics, there are other ways to express this notion. I don't want to ramble so......Faith is a great and fundamental thing, religion not so much.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Svng sm tme

In order to save the time of finding all of your final project ideas one by one /i decided to see sideways and post an all encompassing post.

What if you thought really hard about it and do the best you can at what ever you do. If that doesn't sells!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Beth, I can't conform to the limitations you place on me

Apparently I can never post my blog soon enough for beth. I hate this fucking blog, if it wern't in this class i would have never used on because i believe it is a waste of time and of no real use to anyone. We talked about the cave i was bored. Next week PIZZA PARTY/

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Fucking cave! ...again

I know..i know, Socrates is great and all but I can't stand all the long drawn out bullshit to get across a point that could have been summed up. Philosophy + lack of sleep = mind explosion! So anyways, Yeah the cave where the blind turd people live their lives never knowing that anything else existed outside of their cave/world. I see it basically like if you are closed to new ideas then you may live a horrible existence type thing.

Fuck the cave! the best thing that I got from philosophy is that the wisest man is the one who knows nothing.

P.S. Scientists recently unearthed shocking evidence that may be linked to the cave allegory.


P.P.S. BETH, If You could grade these That Would Be Awsome!

Class 6

I guess I came out of class with a few new ideas for my final but I the direction is ever changing.
I was just so damn tired and it was my birthday so I didn't really want to concentrate. Now i'm thinking about a AfterEffects project with video and creating most of the sound myself.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Final proposal

For my final project I am thinking of putting togeather a music video which will be geared towards comedy. I'm thinking of doing a video for some kind of total cheese musician like eddie money or something!

Stealing time

This works amazing for my personality! I am a chronic procrastinator but my assignments always get finished one way or the other. I have found over the years that it is best to just let my mind drift and the anwser will come eventually or enough ideas flow out that I can just pick one and run with it. Anyways, Best assignment ever!

STOP HERE ALL BELOW HAVE BEEN RETURNED :)))))))))))))))))))))))):0-oTHANKYOU!!!!!!!o-O

Monday, February 16, 2009

Response to class 5 (i think?)

No meeting? Sweet cuz I didn't go! migraines suck ass! L8 P.S. my plastic bag shank is the shit!

Plastic death!

For the assignment with the plastic bag I decided to fashion a prision "shank" out of several plastic bags by melting them togeather and shaping the plastic into a knifelike shape. I ended up having another migrane today so I didn't attend class but it might have been for the better since I'm not sure about university policy on shanks? I ended up using a total of six fairly large plastic bags from the grocery store and melting them with a candle and shaping with the side of my lighter. pics will follow but my camera doesn't want to work with me right now. See you next week for sure, L8

Monday, February 9, 2009

makeup to next class

I think that we could offer psychic readings, or massages, or ice cream social so they can get to know us better

NEW Senses

For my three hours I put in ear plugs then covered my ears with padding and ear muffs. I really couldn't hear much. but I found that when i played guitar I could still tell what i was playing, but i'm not sure weather or not it was due to memory or vibration? also communicating with other people was more difficult but I could always resort to texting or e-mail.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3rd class.....

I was not there and I am pissed that I wasn't! I heard that the room got trashed or something??? I missed out...... Iwould have liked to help....... Dam.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

50 What ifs

WHAT IF......
1. People sniffed each other’s ass like dogs?
2. People laid eggs?
3. I had robot ears?
4. The more you ate the skinnier you became?
5. Pigs weren’t delicious?
6. People weren’t retarded?
7. My feet were 5 feet long?
8. Cars were living things and we rode inside?
9. I had to cart my balls around in a wheel barrow?
10. People had no thumbs?
11. People could die from thinking too hard?
12. My turds cure cancer?
13. Bush had been assassinated?
14. Skin was transparent?
15. Limbs could regenerate on people?
16. America could sustain its self again?
17. Communism worked?
18. Animals were telepathic?
19. Humans were 20 ft. tall?
20. Cats had laser beam eyes?
21. Weed was legal?
22. Eggs were filled with tequila?
23. Water got you drunk?
24. I pissed cream soda?
25. Shit was edible?
26. Plants could move?
27. Grass was bright pink?
28. You could install a portable hard drive in your brain?
29. People ate through the nose?
30. This list was done?
31. Cars didn’t need gas?
32. I replace my feet with wheels?
33. Segways were cool?
34. Old people could drive?
35. Babies were born able to speak?
36. People were born full sized?
37. Language wasn’t invented?
38. Ice-cream was made of panther brains?
39. Cigarettes were good for you?
40. It rained jello pudding
41. People were turned on by farts?
42. Siamese twins were attached at the ass?
43. The pet rock was still around
44. Alf came back on TV?
45. People vomited babies out?
46. The crucified egg had a still born chicken inside and you popped the head out of the shell?
47. Pat had recreated the Mona Lisa with egg paint?
48. You made beer with a hardboiled egg in each bottle?
49. The guy who ate the egg brought in the puke in a jar?
50. I had spent more time on mine?
51. The guys YouTube video worked?

Monday, January 26, 2009

I now hate eggs!

This project consumed my thoughts for the entire 2 week period. So many ideas, too many to count. I went from making my egg vomit it's own yolk while proped on a beer. I deconstructed a remote control car to try and fit an egg over the electronics but my eggs were too small. I thought about the shock value route but decided not to be that guy. so in the end I decided to try and show the egg in a diffrent light so to speak, by photographing it from diffrent angles.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Class Haiku

The first class was fun

Thinking of stuff for my egg

WayzGoose is the shit